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Is a really hight canyon, with about 1000 metres. You can see cocodriles, different kind of bird. There are some place to take a boat to go around the canyon. Don´t pay more than 10$ for person.
Sumidero Canyon is a narrow and deep canyon surrounded by a national park located just north of the city of Tuxtla Gutiérrez in the Mexican state of Chiapas. The canyon’s creation began around the same time as the Grand Canyon in the U.S. state of Arizona, by a crack in the area’s crust and erosion by the Grijalva River, which still runs through it. The canyon has vertical walls which reach as high as 1000 meters, with the river turning up to ninety degrees during the thirteen kilometers that the narrow passage runs. At the north end of the canyon is the Chicoasén Dam, one of several on the Grijalva River and important for water storage and the generation of hydroelectricity. Surrounding the canyon is the Sumidero Canyon National Park, which extends for 21,789 hectares over four municipalities of the state of Chiapas. This park is administered by the Comisión Nacional de Áreas Naturales Protegidas (Conanp). Most of the vegetation of this park is low to medium height deciduous rainforest, with small areas of pine/oak trees and grassland.

The canyon/park is the second most important tourist site in Chiapas, drawing mostly Mexican visitors who see the canyon by boats which leave from Chiapa de Corzo. The park borders Tuxtla Gutiérrez, the state’s largest city, which has caused problems with human encroachment and settlement on park land. More importantly, the urban areas and logging
areas upstream from the canyon have caused serious pollution problems, with up to 5000 tons of solid waste extracted from the Grijalva River each year. This waste tend to build up in the canyon because of its narrowness, the convergence of water flows and the presence of the Chicoasén Dam.
The Sumidero Canyon was formed by cracks in the earth’s crust along with erosion by the Grijalva River, which still flows through it. The process of its formation began about 35 million years ago, making the Sumidero contemporary with the Grand Canyon on the Colorado River . The Grijalva is the main water system in the area, beginning in the Cuchumatanes in Guatemala. The river then flows through Chiapas, including the thirteen km length of the canyon from south to north then onto Tabasco before it empties into the Usumacinta River. This river basin is one of the two most important in Chiapas, and one of themost important in Mexico with a total river length of 766 km, draining an area of 7,940km2, with an average flow of about forty million cubic meters.

In addition to the Grijalva, there are other flows of water in the area in and around the canyon, many of which are seasonal. These consists of streams, some of which form waterfalls on the canyon’s sides and underground movements which have created caves and karst formations. The last important water formation in the area is the reservoir of the Chicoasén Dam, which is manmade.

The canyon proper is deep and narrow, characterized by vertical walls. As the gap changes direction as much as 90 degrees in places, it separates the Meseta de las Animas mesa in the west from the Meseta de Ixtapa mesa in the east. The width of the canyon varies from one to two kilometers. Most of the canyon’s walls are between 200 and 700 meters high reaching 1000 meters at its highest point. These walls expose a long process of disturbances in the Earth’s crust here with layers of limestone from the Upper Mesozoic, which have fossils of marine creatures. During the Mesocretac Period, there was an elevation of ocean floor which formed much of the mountains of the area.

The interior of the canyon has thirty rapids, five waterfalls, three beaches, two freshwater springs and a cofferdam three meters wide. The canyon contains endangered and threatened species such as the Central American river turtle and the American crocodile, which can be seen on the riverbanks. The walls of the canyon contain small caves, rock formations and other notable features. The best known of the area’s caves is the Cueva de Colores (Cave of Colors). This cave gets its name from the filtration of magnesium, potassium and other minerals which form colors on the walls, especially shades of pink. It contains an image of the Virgin of Guadalupe inside usually surrounded by fresh flowers and burning candles left by visitors. The Cueva de Silencio (Cave of Silence) is named such because of a lack of echo or any other kind of resonance in its interior. In another small cave, there is a stalactite called the Caballito de Mar or Seahorse after its shape. Of the various seasonal waterfalls, the best known is the Árbol de Navidad (Christmas Tree). The “branches” of the Árbol are made by deposits from the waterfall which have are then covered in moss. During the rainy season, when the waterfall is active, the water and the light changes the colors of the “branches” and makes the formation stand out more. The park was a candidate in 2009 as one of the Seven New Natural Wonders of the World .
Over the history of the area, especially since it was definitively explored in the 1960s, the area’s wildlife diversity has been severely negatively impacted by human encroachment in the form of settlements, agriculture and hunting. However, since the federal park was established in the 1980s, wildlife diversity has increased. In 1986, the federal Secretaría de Agricultura y Recursos Hidráulicos (SARH) reported a total of ninety species of vertebrates divided into four species of fish, one amphibian, fourteen reptiles, 26 birds and forty mammals. A 2005 study indicates 308 species with four species of fish, fifteen amphibians, 195 birds, and fifty three mammals. Between these two, there have been a number of other studies which also show the growth of the number of wildlife species in the park.

Information about fish species is scarce but at least four protected species have been detected. According to a CONANP study in 2007, there are twelve species of reptile here under protection, including the river crocodile (Crocodylus acutus) and one threatened species, the Coleonyx elegans. Birds are the most common type of animal in the park with about 195 species documented. Six of these species are threatened and seventeen are subject to special protection. One threatened bird species in the park if the great Curassow (Crax rubra) . Relatively abundant species include Actitus macularia, Dendrocygna autumnalis, Egretta caerulea, Egretta thula, Tachybaptus dominicus and Coragyps atratus, all of which are associated with bodies of water. There have been fifty three species of mammals detected recently in the park, of which two are considered to be threatened, two in danger and two subject to special protection. Endangered and threatened species include the spider monkey(Ateles geoffroyi), jaguarondi, the ocelot, the lowland paca, the white-tailed deer, the anteater (Tamandua tetradactyla) and the buzzard (Sarcorhampus papa) . The most abundant species include the bat Artibeus jamaicensis and the rat peromyscus mexicanus.

We in the sumidero canyon mexi Christmast tree chiapas guerrilla Virgin in a cave in the Canyon

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See also

Sumidero Canyon chai Chiapas del Corzo cahs San Cristobal de las casas chiapa San Juan Chamula chip Tuxtla Gutierrez chiapas Zinacatan chiapas Agua Azul falls chiapas Misol-Ha falls chiapas Palenque chiapas Restaurants in Chiapas chiapas Hostels in Chiapas

May 2008

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Write by: AN - Monday, July 7, 2008


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