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Black Sands Beach, Hawaii

Punaluu Beach is a beach between Pāhala and Nāālehu on the Big Island of the U.S. state of Hawaii. The beach has black sand created by lava flowing into the ocean which explodes as it reaches the ocean and cools. This volcanic activity is in the Hawaii Volcanoes National Park.

Punaluu is frequented by endangered Hawksbill Turtles and Green Sea Turtles, which can often be seen basking on the black sand. Visitors must remain 15 feet from the turtles at all times. The swimming area is very rocky, and it can be dangerous to swim. The beach also has a large amount of underground fresh water that flows in it. This fresh water is very cold and looks almost like gasoline mixing with the water. Legend has it that in the time of drought, the early Hawaiians living in the area would dive underwater with a jug to get their fresh water.

Russ Apple may have been the originator of this myth; as National Park Service Pacific historian and 30 year veteran of the National Park Service, Apple was instrumental in restoring Hawai'ian cultural resources in Kīlauea and Pu'uhonua o Honaunau National Historical Park in Kailua Kona, Hawai'i.

Local tradition says that if any volcanic rock or black sand ifrom Punaluu Beach is taken away from Hawaii, that the person that took it will be cursed by the Hawaiian volcano goddess Pele until it is returned. While purportedly an ancient Hawaiian belief, historians can trace this legend only to the mid twentieth century, and it is widely believed to have been invented by park rangers to keep visitors from taking rocks. Nevertheless, the lobby of Kīlauea Military Camp has a cabinet displaying rocks returned by people attempting to atone for the bad luck that has befallen them, and letters describing their predicaments.

* Camping is permitted at the Punaluu Black Sand Beach Park.

* Taking black sand and volcanic rocks from the area is prohibited.

Despues de un largo dia de turismo llegamos a Black Sands Beach or playa de arena negra. La arena negra se forma en consecuencia de la lava de los volcanes que se encuentran en la Isla. Llegamos ya casi al anochecer asi que decidimos quedarnos a disfrutar alli de la puesta de sol. En esta playa vienen las tortugas a descansar y poner huevos asi que se pueden ver en la arena de la playa, como os dejo en una de las fotos. Tambien se indicaba en carteles como que venian focas a descansar pero no vimos ni una, asi que nos acercamos a unos locales y les preguntamos y asi fue como hicimos unos buenos amigos con los que estuvimos comiendo y bebiendo.

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Write by: AN - Friday, May 30, 2008

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